The Beeston Show 23 and 24 June 2021 We will be there! *** Finished ***

Ben Burgess Beeston
Dereham Road,
Kings Lynn
PE32 2LE
23rd & 24th June 2021
Wednesday 23 June. Opening times 12pm - 8pm
Thursday 24 June. Opening times 10am - 4pm
With only a few days to go, we are delighted to confirm the Ben Burgess Beeston Show is going ahead as planned.
Join us and many other exhibitors at the Ben Burgess Beeston showroom to celebrate their 90th Anniversary.
Wednesday 23 June. Opening times 12pm – 8pm
Thursday 24 June. Opening times 10am – 4pm
Entrance is free. For more information and to register: CLICK HERE